Ease Dental Care Staff
At the heart of our dental practice is a friendly and energetic team of professionals. We are, throughly, dedicated to your comfort while you visit our dental practice.
Here at Ease Dental Care, we understand each patient has unique dental characteristics and we work to tailor each treatment plan to their specific patients' needs.
As part of our commitment to providing close, personalized attention to every patient, we encourage patient communication. If you have any questions related to any types of procedures, please let us know! As mentioned earlier, we strongly believe that when patients, throughly, understand all of their dental options they will always make the best dental health decision. As always please let us know if there is anything we can do for you while you visit us! We are here to provide outstanding patient care, and we value the trust you have placed in us.
Jennifer - Hygenist

Yency - Dental Assistant
Tiffany - Front office
Ncole - Front office
Your team here at Ease Dental Care!